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About Me

My name is Kelley Rogers. I am a nurse and grief counselor. Working with grieving families has been a blessing and a passion in my life.

My journey as a grief counselor and grieving mother  began in 1985. I lost a beautiful 3 day old baby. As a labor and delivery nurse at the time, I was in a unique position to connect with grieving parents.

I continued to provide grief support and education to grieving families and Health Care Professionals. My career brought me to nursing management and administration but I continued to work with people grieving all types of losses. 

In 2013, my son was murdered in by the Boston Marathon bombers.. He was fulfilling his dream of being a police officer. 


If you are suffering from loss, you are not alone. No one gets through life without loss. Whether your pain is caused by death or divorce, job loss and many other type of loss there is recovery.

I can help. Get started by booking an appointment online or by email. I hope to hear from you soon.

Kelley Rogers, RN, GC-C, GRM, Grief Counselor

©2021 by Grief Support Services Moving Through Loss with Kelley Rogers, RN, GC-C, GRM.

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